We'll be at Cog Sci and Math Psych 2017!

May 02 2017
Keywords: CogSci MathPsych Conferences

Here’s what we’ll be presenting at CogSci:

Authors Title
Conaway, Austerweil PACKER: An exemplar model of category generation
Ho, Littman, Austerweil Teaching by intervention: Working backwards, undoing mistakes, or correcting mistakes?
Ren, Austerweil Interpreting asymmetric perception in speech processing with Bayesian inference
Zemla, Austerweil Modeling semantic fluency data as search on a semantic network

Here’s what we’ll be presenting at Math Psych

Authors Title
Conaway, Austerweil Uncovering Unsupervised Categorization Biases using Markov chain Monte Carlo with People
Zemla, Austerweil Estimating semantic networks from fluency data

The Austerweil Lab thanks its previous and current funders.